Monday, June 7, 2010

Work shift disorder?

Their joking right? That's what many of us should be thinking. Yes I hear the commercial everyday on my way home for work. Do you work all night and have problems sleeping during the day? You may have work shift disorder. What I really hear is hurry up call your doctor and we can find a drug to match what ever stupid little problems you may have. Too fat? don't exercise, take a pill. Too skinny? take a pill. Your kids cant concentrate in school? To hell with bed time we have a pill for that too. Kids too hyper? Oh go ahead and let them have the mountain dew, then give them a pill to bring them down. Do you worry that you didn't blow out that candle before you left the house? You might be OCD we have a pill for that too! Seriously people! Where have the brains of America gone?
We are trying so hard to keep our kids from doing drugs but it seems that every other commercial is advertising a new pill, like pills arent a drug! From what I understand withdrawel from pills is not any easier that withdrawel for other types of drugs.
Every single day I hear some of the stupidest things come out of the mouths of people that are suppose to be looking out for us. Governor Sonny Perdue takes forever to sign a bill about texting while driving, he hems and haws and then finally passes that it against the law to text and drive..........Why in the hell would it take so long? What is there to think about? This is a no brainier people.

When I learned to drive there were not as many people on the road as there are now. Ive been driving for 35 years and I get on the highway and it scares the shit out of me all the time. You cant look away for a minute cause there are just too many people that got their drivers license from a cracker jack box, they are on the phone, eating, putting on their makeup! If that's not bad enough do we really want to add kids (and adults) taking their attention away from the road going 70 miles an hour in a 2 ton auto mobile?
This is what I think!
You work the night shift then get use to it or get another job!

Too fat? Then get up off the sofa, turn the damn TV off and put on some music and dance, dance it a universal language, most people complain about exercise but no one complains about's fun! Next go in a make yourself a salad or two. You cant keep weight off unless you back it up with the lost art of actually moving your body.
Your kids cant concentrate in school? Stop letting them stay up all hours of the night, be a friggin parent, stop feeding them hot dogs bologna and soda pops and get them on some good food. You will only get out of your body what you put into it. Hey here's an idea dance with your kids, that way they don't end up couch potatoes too!
Are you worried that you didn't blow out that candle or turn off the iron then by all means go home and check it doesn't mean you have OCD it means you might be forgetful but if you go home to be sure then that could mean that your responsible!
Make marijuana legal and out law alcohol! There are more people getting in auto accidents and killing people from drinking too much than from smoking pot. For that matter the pot smokers are still on the sofa stuffing their face with potato chips and if they are on the road then they are probably sitting at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green!
There are just some things that chap my ass! I just cant for the life of me figure out how the people in America got so stupid!
We have to learn to stop treating the symptoms and start treating the cause of our problems! You can cover up pain with pain pills but for how long are you willing to do so! Pain is a sign that something is wrong but you go to a pain clinic and I will guarantee you will walk out with some pills and I am also willing to bet that they wont even mention exercise or streches.
OK I'm done! I'm sorry, sometimes I just get overwhelmed with the stupidity I listen to everyday.............Hummmm wonder if there is a pill for that?

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