Friday, January 27, 2012

Pissed about plastic

If: and it’s sad to say only if, recyclers paid for plastic the way they pay for aluminum and copper and other metals, we could actually start to clean up our earth. It has to happen, we all know it, but whom does it start with? One person possibly? Just think if the one person who had some control and some imagination could change the world. Where would this person start? Where would you start?

I would start here.

Find any way possible not to have to use plastic for my products and in doing so I would need to be careful of using paper product also. I don’t want to cut down our trees to save the planet, as it would be contradictory. So, where do I start?
There are so many products that could be stored and sold in and from vats or barrels such as; Dishwashing liquids and powders, Shampoos and shower gels, bleach and any other cleaning goods that we use to clean our homes and then inadvertently trash the earth with the containers when were done. Oh wait! I used the word inadvertently, maybe that’s not the right word to use, let’s look at the meaning of the word.

Inadvertently; unwittingly: without knowledge or intention; "he unwittingly deleted the references".not focusing the mind on a matter : inattentive.unintentional

Marked by unintentional lack of care. See Synonyms at careless.
I guess in some respects I can use that word. Unwittingly? Yes. Without knowledge? No. We just choose to ignore where our trash goes so that would in fact make us ignorant!. Not focusing the mind on the matter? Big yes! Inattentive? Big yes! And yes to all the others. So I guess for the most part I can use that word.

Back to the vats and barrels of products.
I already have enough plastic to store any of these products so why not reuse the plastic.
Stop what you’re doing right now and just go look around your house at all the products that you have in plastic bottles. Now look around you at all the other things in your home that are either plastic or came in plastic packaging.
On the top of my desk alone I have plastic CD sleeves, ashtray, computer and speakers and keyboard. My wacom mouse and pad are plastic. I have a ruler, pens scissor handles, and phonebook, case for my glasses, USB, calculator, camera, and a superman poster laminated. That is just on my desk! Now below there is a printer a giant power box and an empty plastic jug of kitty litter. (I will get to that) and then above me I have possibly 200 cds and a dremel case, all plastic. All of that is just within my reaching distance and it only gets worse as I walk around my house.
This makes me want to cry, seriously! If I take all my plastic and all your plastic and the other billions of peoples plastic, where do I put it? Whatever countries you are from you have to realize that every country has plastic and every country has to have a place to DUMP it. It takes 500 to 1000 years for plastics to break down and even when broken down it is still plastic and toxic to every living thing on earth.

I started this paper with If recyclers paid us for plastic but in fact it may do our air more harm to actually recycle it so we have to find a way to eliminate it as much as possible.
This is where the empty plastic jug of kitty litter comes in. I needed litter and didn’t have much to spend at that moment and this jug was just $4.00 for 10 lbs of litter. This is where I get nasty. The manufactures put 10lbs of litter that my cat will only shit and piss in and the jug that is left over will be around for 1000 years after my cat took that shit! Is that some shit? This litter could be sold in bags of paper or even the kind of plastic bags that Purina dog food comes in. Even the plastic bags will break down before the heavy-duty jug. Sorry for the language but facts are facts and I am not trying to paint a pretty picture. It is not a pretty picture and all you have to do to get pissed off yourself is to go to youtube and pull up some videos on garbage in the ocean. Make yourself sit there and watch it and then maybe come away with some sense of what you can do to change it. Personally I would really rather buy most products from a barrel and be charged for the weight. Not much different than a good farmers market.
The manufactures should be looking seriously at more green alternatives for packaging of products without depleting our forests of wood for paper. This also looks good for the companies in the eyes of their patrons. How much wood goes to waste or gets burned that could be processed into paper? Why cant companies work together instead of being in it for them selves. Hell for that matter why can’t people all work together.
One of my pet peeves are the razor companies. We all know how inexpensive it once was to shave right? Now days you pay $6.00 for a pack of 8 plastic razors with handles encased in plastic packaging that will all go into the land fill and you pay $21.00 for 8 refill blades that we can use to refill a razor handle that lasts for years. Now it gets even worse! Because they cost so much some people choose to steal them which in return makes the dumb ass companies want to spend money to place cameras in their displays to catch the thieves when if they would decrease our cost they wouldn’t have so much get stolen. People have to shave and these companies know it and they know that we are stupid enough to pay crazy prices. It is so damn redundant that we pay less money for more product and more money for less product. Oh wait! Are they going to tell us that the refill blades are of better quality? They may be a bit better but not $21.00 worth.
We have totally lost our connection to the earth; you know this place where your children and great great great grand children will live in the future. We are leaving behind us a nasty legacy that no other culture since the beginning of time has left. I can’t change it alone, I need your help and you need mine. Ignoring this problem will not make it go away, talking about it will not make it go away. We have to make some changes if we want our next generations to have a planet to live on. I intend to be the change I want to see. What say you?
Check out some of these videos and then look at where you will stand!
The girl that silenced to world for 5 minutes
Oprah Earth Day

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