Friday, June 12, 2009

100 years from now

1000 Years from now what will we have left to our children to live on? 100 years from now how much garbage will we have planted in our earth and oceans? This scares the hell out of me. No! I wont be here but I will have left too much junk in my wake as will have you! Something to think about NOW.
My mission this summer was to start some rootings from some of the beautiful bushes I have growing in my yard. In wanting to do this of course I dont want to spend any money!
Hummm...what to do ....what to do!!
This is when my distain for plastic bottles came into play. My city does not have a recycle program for plastic and as much as I hate it I do buy some product that come in plastic bottles. ie juice, milk, spag sauce. I will buy in glass if I have the choice but too many times I dont have that choice. So back to rooting my plants and not spending money. I have all the pots I need. I have cut the tops off all the plastic bottles that go thru my house and poked holes in the bottom and wahla!!! instant pot for future baby bushes. I have rows and rows of them lined up on my porch and the plants growing in them are doing quite well. Now when fall comes around I can give my plants to all my friends that want one and I can add to my own garden as well. Best of all I can at least for a little while keep these plastic bottles out of the landfill.
Another thing I do is I catch my rain water, after all it is the best. I have kept the giant plastic jugs that I sometimes get my kitty litter in. I put the plastic jugs where they will catch the run off from my roof and then when full I transfer the water to the empty milk jugs as they are much easier to handle. I dont have to pull the hose out and I dont have to keep making trips to the kitchen for plant water.
I have also been looking into these greenhouses made of plastic pop bottles. I think its an awesome idea, however I need more pop bottles than I would ever use. I do think schools should look into building these. It would be easy for all the students to bring in liter bottles and each class build a wall or something. We could teach our children how to grow food and get them interested in something other than being couch potatoes!

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