Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Good Stuff

At 48 I along with many other people have looked for a way to upgrade my life and my health. I would like to include you in some of my findings as I feel they could very well be useful to others. I am all about natural everything. I feel that for every ailment our creator stuck us with, he also put something on this earth to counteract these ailments, however it is up to us to learn what works and what doesn't. I mean look, the pharmaceutical companies are not going to tell us that if you go to your garden and make a tea out of D-G-and H it will cure you! Hell no! If they did that they would be out of business right? But the fact is that they can't make medication for us out of something that was not already on this earth!
I watch The Doctors when I'm not working (great show) and Dr Oz is not only informative he is funny.....actually he is one smart cookie and I will drop what I am doing to watch him. You can find him on Oprah. In this quest for better heath and Good Stuff I have found There I have learned about Apple cider vinegar which cures many things like acid reflux, helps you loose weight, good for sinusitis and too many other things to mention. Olive oil which is a detox for your liver and just plain good for you all around. Watch how much of it you consume though, cause what goes in must come out ;) Its great to cook with or make a garlic mixture for dinner bread. It is also great on salad. Turmeric is the new herb I have added but the only way I have been able to find it is in pill form, which is ok but I would like to cook with it also so I will keep looking for it in the spice section. Turmeric is used as an anti inflammatory and to ward off cancer among other things, it is listed as an immune booster.
Dr Oz was telling us one day how people in parts of the world that eat spicy foods have virtually no alzheimers present in their culture, so I have added some of those spices to my rack. Ginger, cumin, turmeric, garlic and olive oil have all become staples in my pantry.
I recommend that you research anything you put in your body that you hear me talk about the same way I researched! There is no way I can cover all the benefits that an herb or a product has so I will turn the learning stick over to you!
I will leave you with my recent special! Fruit prices are soooo low right now and the price you pay for store bought fruit smoothies is just way too high, not to mention all the JUNK they pack into them and then there is that plastic bottle. Pull out your blender cut up your fruit add some yougart and some honey some fruit juice and some ice and make some fruit smoothies. When you make them you know whats in them (NO JUNK) and I found that I actually had more fruit in one cup than I had had in 6 months.
Time to get healthy people!......Good luck to you!

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