Friday, June 12, 2009

Nothing but good stuff today!

I wake in the morning and say to the universe "Nothin but good stuff today....Good day, Good friends, Good love and Good money" I guess that about covers all the bases.Yes I have found from day one that it changes your life rather quickly. I get back what I put out and I set the standard for that every morning. Its all so simple really, when your nicer to people you draw like a magnet nicer people to you and so it is with every thing you think and feel. You know that old saying? Build it and they will come. Like attracts like. So what my blogs will be about will be in the area of Environmental, Gardening, Homemade body products and home cleaners. I am on an all natural kick .....or well as much as one can try for in this day and time. I am sick and tired of paying out my hard earned money for manufactured products that I can not only make at home but things that when you question what goes into them contain harmful ingredients. I'm making changes and you are welcome to come on this journey with me and I am always open to listening to your 2 cents cause when it is all said and done....none of us can do this alone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow.... you really got it goin on. I have use the recpies you have here and I love them. thank you so much for the education and I will keep checking your site to see what your doing next!
