Thursday, June 18, 2009

Homemade Deodorant

So a couple of weeks ago I went looking for a way to make my own deodorant. Why you ask? Well lets see most of the stuff I get in the store doesnt really do anything for me, Plus they ALL have what you will hear me refer to a lot as junk in them. So many products we buy have too much junk and contain too many things that I cant even pronounce. Aluminum for one is not a good thing.
This is the way I look at it and it makes it really simple. Deodorant is for 2 things to 1 keep you from smelling and 2 antiperspirant to keep you from sweating. Keep me from smelling thats easy..... its the keep me from sweating I have a problem with. The way I look at it in order to keep you from sweating you have to close your pores and when you close your pores things get backed up, clogged up and I would think smell worse. Your pores were made to let bad stuff out. Oils, sebum, sweat, ect. these things all need a way to get out of your body and if you close the gate you may get a flood or an explosion. Like Ok my face gets oily and I have some very big pores. Now if I use a pore reducer yes when I put my makeup on I will look better because I wont have all these open pores right? But tomorrow or a few day from now after using it the junk cant get out of my face so it gets backed up and boom pimples......So Hummm I guess I will settle for the larger pores
Sorry I got off subject but the same is true with antiperspirant. So after checking out all these sites to give me ideas on Deodorant I chose this one.
1/4 cup corn starch( keeps you dry)
1/4 baking soda ( keeps smell down)
2-1/2--3 tbls coconut oil
Now I played with this a little and I found I like it more on the moist side because it goes on easier than real dry. I also would tend to lean to having a little more corn starch than baking soda because the soda can irritate some. I did add a little lavender to mine and I made some for my friend and added some juniper to hers and hers smells so nice and fresh! I use only essential oils in my body products as fragrance oils have too much (you guessed it) Junk.
I like the idea of the coconut oil beacuse it is thicker and in the future I may try it with shea butter, although shea has a smell of its own that needs to be covered up.
I have used it for a week now and I am very happy with it all the way around.
Coming soon the homemade laundry soap made with Fels Naptha Soap which by the way I found the best price for at (buy 7 bars for she same shipping price) I have had a hard time finding this soap at a good price that I felt comfortable with.
Once I have all the ingediants and have a chance to try it I will let you know my opinion!

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